Refund Policy

Application Fee

A non-refundable non-transferable application fee must be submitted at the time of application

Security Deposit

The deposit is fully refundable when the student leaves the school, without any interest on demand, if all accounts have been settled in full, all school property returned without damage and required written notice submitted two months in advance of the child’s last day of school (holidays excluded)

The deposit is not refundable if the student does not attend the school after an enrolment place has been offered or the remaining tuition is not enough to cover the two months’ notice period

Fee Refund and Withdrawal Policy Additions

Refund will be reimbursed to the parent in the same way the payment was made, except:    Where the original payment was made online, the refund will only be processed directly to the parent account through bank transfer

Refunds are payable within 60 working days after the student leaves the school


The School reserves the right to amend its policies and fee structure whenever considered necessary and appropriate. The School makes these policies available to parents through the EdTech Platform. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that they are informed and aware of basic school policies.