Importance of Arts & Crafts in Curriculum
“Painting is concerned with all the 10 attributes of sight; which are: Darkness, Light, Solidity and Color, Form and Position, Distance and Propinquity, Motion and Rest.”-Leonardo da Vinci.

Arts and craft education at an early stage helps to develop a child’s imagination. It develops the child’s imagination and creativity. The best part is that it doesn’t require an expensive or fancy setting - just some crayons, paper, and a couple of bulletin boards can do the trick.
A blog addressed to parents and teachers on why integrating arts and crafts into the curriculum is essential.
How to integrate arts and crafts in the curriculum ?

Art and crafts are something we learn when we are young when we are children in school. Due to lack of attention and funding, it is always usually the first thing to be removed from the curriculum. But why is it not given any importance? Well, let us find out.
- Art and Craft are increasingly becoming more and more popular among children. They are no longer just artistic activities; they are also considered to be a part of the school curriculum. This is a great way to bring out the creative side in your child.
- This is a question that comes up quite often, and the answer is not always an easy one to answer. It’s a question that is considered with a lot of aspects to it that teachers need to take under consideration.
- It’s a matter of finding the balance between all that. While we need to consider the importance of art and crafts in the curriculum, it also has to be considered how much time and how much it will take away from other important things such as science and math.
Why arts & crafts should come as a priority in every child's curriculum?
It’s no secret that to develop creativity and academic skills, children must be taught how to use their hands. There’s something about the way a child’s brain is wired that makes him or her more receptive to the educational possibilities of art.
There are a few reasons for the importance of arts and crafts in the curriculum. First of all, arts and crafts give children a chance to try different materials to see what they like. Art and craft materials allow children to try out different mediums and different ways to use them.
Art and craft supplies can be a fabulous medium for children to develop their creative aptitude. Craft supplies can be the best way to get the whole family together to work on something.
A few other best things about arts & crafts are that you can make wonderful gifts. Every child should get the chance to explore and discover the arts. It's fun and fascinating to let your imagination take shape through art and craft projects.
Arts and crafts are not just about drawing and painting. They are also about learning how to handle tools, learning how to follow instructions, and learning how to connect with others to create something like one. They can also be a way to socialize. Some parents think the children should remain children for a little longer. But if their child wants to participate in arts and crafts, a parent should consider this activity as the child's natural way to learn.
Things you can do to bring about the creative side in your child
- A well-developed imagination and the ability to take advantage of opportunities are two important factors that a child learns during an arts and crafts class. Children tend to be very creative beings and they make great use of their imagination.
- Arts and crafts allow the child to develop a creative mind and also help them to be more imaginative and use his imagination in his artwork. The things you can do to bring about the creative side in your child include:
* Arts & crafts help children to enhance their creativity.
* They are the fun part of the learning process.
* Crafting activities enable the children to stay engaged in the learning process.
* Whenever we listen to the word arts, a lot of things come to our mind, like drawing, painting, singing, dancing, and so on.
- As parents, we always want to make our children good in everything they do. We want them to excel in their studies as well as in other activities.
- Ask your child to make a model of a house. The model should show different rooms in the house including bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. children will enjoy doing these activities at home and it will bring about the creative side in them.
How does arts and crafts education at an early stage help to develop a child's imagination?
Arts and crafts education at an early stage is one of the best ways to develop a child's imagination. The objective of any art education is to make the child feel connected to his surroundings and the environment.
Arts and crafts teach us to speak and write through the expression of our hands and minds. Through arts and crafts, a child can speak out his thoughts and feelings and can work out his emotions. For example, a child who is upset can be taught to handle his emotions through arts education.
With arts and crafts education, the child is allowed to discover and then handle paint, glue, or any other materials that he may come across. Through arts and crafts, the child can be taught to identify and then recognize various objects, shapes, sizes, and textures. The child can be taught how to hold a pen or pencil correctly; how to handle a paintbrush, how to cut out, how to pass, and how to deal with various materials.
Arts and crafts education helps improve a child's creativity, motor skills, and imagination. While the child is growing up, arts and crafts become an interesting activity. Children like to do arts and crafts projects. All children love arts and crafts projects. Arts and crafts projects for children will teach them how to use their imagination. Also, it will enhance their social skills and make them ready to learn any language fluently by learning it with fun.