Mental health in children and young people

25.03.22 03:00 PM By VKGI Marketing

Mental Health-A Cause For Concern
​“The only journey is the journey within.”–Rainer Maria Rilke

National Centre for Excellence - Child's Mental Health

What is mental health?

National Centre for Excellence - What is Mental Health

  • Mental health is the primary cause of concern among young kids. It is important we approach it with care and we understand how we can help those we care about.

  • Mental health issues shouldn't be shielded from young people; they should be able to understand what it's like and how to deal with it.

How does it affect young child?

National Centre for Excellence - How Mental Health effects child

  • Every day we face stress either at home, school, or work. There is not much research and information about how to explain mental health to younger kids without scaring them.

  • You can help your children maintain a healthy lifestyle by training them to identify and handle emotions.

How to talk to young children about mental health?

National Centre for Excellence - About Mental Health

Mental health problems affect a lot of children and teens. About 1 in 5 children have a mental health problem. And, although you might think that your child is happy and, well, it's important to know that they can have a mental health problem and not even know it.


 Teaching children about mental health can be difficult, but it's better to help them understand it before they're when they need help, but don't know how to ask for it. Mental health is like physical health. It is about the way you think, feel, and act.

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