Blog categorized as Circulars

Academic Year
The beginning of the academic year is a time of renewed vision and expectations which will help in overall development of students and grow together as a community.
School Transport App
This app is a cloud-based educational app that facilitates effective communication for transportation between parents and teachers.
School Essentials
Get to know about the school uniform schedule and the transportation facility provided by National Centre For Excellence Jeevan Bhima Nagar
Field Trip
Field trips are an important part of the learning process, they help students to see, hear and do things through hands-on experiences.
Story Telling Competition 2022
Storytelling is an ancient art form and it has been used to convey the most important message and to pass the knowledge from one generation to another.
Competition For Students In School
Competitions such as these will encourage students to participate and develop their skills which is a great way to challenge oneself.
World Yoga Day 2022
Yoga is a way to explore one’s life in a different dimension and beginning it at a younger age will bring peace and harmony within. Read more here.
World Yoga Day
Yoga day is celebrated on 21st of June every year to spread awareness among younger children which will help in increasing their flexibility and other benefits
World Environment Day 2022 - Only One Earth
Environment day is a day for everyone to come together and think of ways to work towards a cleaner and greener planet.
International Yoga Day 2022
Yoga day is a special day to celebrate the harmony of the mind, body and soul. It is a day to celebrate the joy of living a healthy lifestyle.
