International Yoga Day

21.06.21 04:35 PM By Author

June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day. The Day will be marked at a time when COVID-19 pandemic continues to upend lives and livelihoods of people globally. This year’s commemoration of the International Day of Yoga focuses on ‘Yoga for well-being’.

To live through this lockdown and pandemic period, yoga is the best thing to adopt as a lifestyle habit. It helps us build a strong physical, mental and spiritual health system. When combined with breathing and meditation, it acts as the best element to take care of our mind, body and soul. There are different forms of yoga that can help us to stay physically strong and mentally balanced. Yoga is also playing a significant role in the psycho-social care and rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients in quarantine and isolation. It is particularly helpful in allaying their fears and anxiety.

Yoga for children is fun and leads to greater flexibility and focus. Parents, teachers, and school administrators across the globe, have begun to recognize that yoga can lead to improvements in concentration, emotional regulation, and cooperation. NCFE has already taken that initiative by conducting yoga classes as a part of curriculum. It goes without saying that yoga for children also takes them away from their screens, digital toys and engaging them instead in healthy physical activity. 


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