Teaching History in Classrooms-Various Methods
"Those that cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."-Winston Churchill

The history-the way we look at it!
History can be interpreted and understood. As it is full of facts and events that we learn about what happened before we were born through research, books, and even stories from people who lived during that time.
- The primary goal of history is to teach lessons so that those lessons can help us look at situations differently as well as prepare for any future dangers or opportunities. The content we create should appeal to those who are interested in learning more about history.
- Teachers and students seem to agree that history is the most difficult subject in school. Why? History seems like a blur of dates and names to many. Here, we discuss that and ways to make it more interesting and memorable for students.
- History is a subject that needs to be taught and learned in a fun and exciting way so that the students can grasp and understand it better.
So here we have listed the various methods to teach history.

History is an important subject, but it can be boring for students. However, there are ways to make history interesting. Using various methods, such as storytelling, multimedia presentations, can help you teach your students effectively and make the subject more interesting for them.
These methods can be classified into four groups:
Narrative approach
- As we are quite cognizant of the growth of technology, there are many changes in education. Many educators are now using the narrative approach to teaching history. The narrative approach to teaching history is a very useful strategy because, through using narratives, the students can learn their lessons in a more engaging way
- It is also more effective because they will grasp the material with greater understanding and interest. It is also an effective teaching strategy because it is very flexible and can be used in a variety of ways.
Analytical approach
- A new trend which is taking place in the education sector is the analytical study of history. It is a new concept that is being followed by a lot of teachers across the country. This method of teaching differs from the traditional method of teaching, as it is more interactive.
- One of the most interesting methods is the analytical approach. This method of teaching history provides the students with an effective tool to understand the past. The analytical approach teaches students how to analyze primary and secondary sources. It is important to teach students how to analyze primary sources because these sources are the foundation of history.
Cultural approach
- Historical knowledge is a treasure for those who can learn from the past. Most people have a feeling that we have to know something about the history of our country or the history of the world. In the modern world, information is available to everyone, but what is more important is the interpretation of this information.
- It is difficult to teach history properly because the facts are the facts, but interpreting facts is very subjective. There are many approaches to teaching history, but the most effective one is the cultural approach to the history of the world. The cultural approach to history gives an opportunity to learn not only about the facts but also about the most important events in the past.
- One of the most important things to remember is to make sure that the children are interested in the topic. If they are interested in the topic, they will listen to your lecture, pay attention, and remember what you have taught them.
Comparative approach
- Teaching history is a complicated and sensitive task since it is about past events and people. One of the most important questions we face in teaching history is: how to get students to remember the information we present to them? There are no magic methods of teaching history that guarantee that students will remember everything you tell them. That's why we need to use many different methods of teaching history.
- A lot of methods of teaching history are available for teachers to choose from. The comparative approach is one of the most effective ways to teach history. It helps students to understand the similarities and differences between two or more events or periods. The comparative approach is based on the assumption that students learn better by comparison than by absorbing information about an event or period in isolation. The comparative approach can teach history to all age groups.
- However, studying history from a different perspective could be a lot more effective. One example of a novel approach to teaching history is through a comparative approach. The comparative approach has been used by many scholars to understand the past because it is a different way of looking at things. For example, by looking at two similar events that occurred in two different places, you could easily see the difference between the two. It is a way to understand a particular subject through a comparison of other similar subjects.
History is a very important subject at higher levels of education, but it is often taught in a dry and boring manner. This causes students to lose interest in the subject and to lose their drive to excel in it. Teaching history in different methods will keep the students engaged and also encourage a deeper understanding of the subject.