Blog tagged as Experiential Learning

Field Trip
Field trips are an important part of the learning process, they help students to see, hear and do things through hands-on experiences.
Tips on How to Study Smart Not Hard
If you want to study smart, there is an easy way to do it. Read our tips and tricks to learn faster and study smarter.
How To Master Time Management And Productivity
Time management and productivity plays an important role in development of child's intrapersonal skills, know more about it from our blog.
Revisiting Childhood Memories
Revisiting Childhood is the blog for parents and educators looking for information on early childhood development and the importance of childhood.
Summer Activities for Children
Do you want to keep your children busy this summer? Here's a list of summer time activities for children which will occupy them and make the most of it.
Importance of Child Saftey

A blog that informs and educates parents, teachers, and children around the importance of child safety. The many ways to keep your child safe at home, school, and in public. It is very important to keep track of your children while they are out of your sight. Read more here.

Importance of emotional intelligence
The key takeaways Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and regulate your emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of, understanding, and controlling your own emotions and those of others.
19.10.21 04:28 PM - Comment(s)
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 - A series from the Leadership Desk 
The New Education Policy 2020 envisages a vision for India's progressive education – one that is upgraded after 34 years. The paradigm shift in the NEP 2020 is holistic development rather than focus on marks.
16.09.21 06:58 PM - Comment(s)
