
Blog by NewsRoom

Teaching History To Students
Keeping things interesting while teaching will have a positive impact on learners, and here are a few methods that will help you do this
25.03.22 05:50 PM - Comment(s)
How to Choose The Right School for Your Child ?
Looking for best school in Bangalore for your child. Here are some of the most important things you need to look for when choosing a school.
20.12.21 11:56 AM - Comment(s)
Emphasis on critical thinking and essential learning
Critical thinking is the key to innovation.
17.11.21 02:28 PM - Comment(s)
The best food before bedtime
If you want to know about the best foods to eat before bedtime, please go through this blog to make sure your before-bedtime meals are chosen wisely
17.11.21 10:24 AM - Comment(s)
Learners Communiqué 
Showcasing the growth and development of teachers at the Vijaykiran Group of Institutions. Workshops to promote the professional development of teachers in order to impact learning in children.
26.10.21 01:27 PM - Comment(s)
How to be an excellent team leader
Let us talk about the characteristics one should possess in order to be an excellent team leader in this blog. Please go through all the points for your understanding of the term.
22.10.21 09:30 AM - Comment(s)
The Effect of Education on New age Leadership 
The word new-age leadership is a fairly broad term and is interpreted. The concept of leadership has been around for thousands of years and the best leaders have been studied and analyzed by many. While leadership has changed and strengthened, education is the only constant.
20.10.21 04:32 PM - Comment(s)
Importance of emotional intelligence
The key takeaways Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and regulate your emotions as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of, understanding, and controlling your own emotions and those of others.
19.10.21 04:28 PM - Comment(s)
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 - A series from the Leadership Desk 
The New Education Policy 2020 envisages a vision for India's progressive education – one that is upgraded after 34 years. The paradigm shift in the NEP 2020 is holistic development rather than focus on marks.
16.09.21 06:58 PM - Comment(s)
