
International Yoga Day 2022
Yoga day is a special day to celebrate the harmony of the mind, body and soul. It is a day to celebrate the joy of living a healthy lifestyle.
Climate Change and Its Impact
If you're looking for a course that can teach future generations about climate change, then this is the right course for you.
Assessment for Learning
Assessment is a way of evaluating the achievement of students in the classroom and in the course. Know more about assessment and its role in the learning process.
World Environment Day 2022
Children are the hope for the future, and with such activities, we are hoping to raise awareness on the need to protect the environment.
Personality Development Programme
This program offers a plethora of activities for students to work and get trained in their areas of interest and passion by experts from their respective fields.
Back to School
As we emerge successful from the after-effects of the Pandemic, it is an absolute delight to see our students back into the campus
Healthy And Unhealthy Competition
Competition is not always healthy. Knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy competition is key to a successful lifestyle.
From the COO’s Desk  
“Let us remember: one book, one pen and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai, children’s activist
08.07.22 06:30 PM - Comment(s)
First Day of School
If you are a parent, you are preparing your child for back to school. Here's some tips to help you with this process and avoid stress.
Tips on How to Study Smart Not Hard
If you want to study smart, there is an easy way to do it. Read our tips and tricks to learn faster and study smarter.
